

Current paradox for an ecological designer...

It is my firm belief, that the only way for humankind, to live sustainably as civilizations within this world, with the future necessity to adapt to climate change and our exponential population growth, is as mid-dense city/nexus all connected on a greened, closed loop grid. (This is due to many reasons including but not exclusive to: the one-planet living calcs for space per person, then thinking about space to leave as nature and space needed for food, adding in the efficiency of grid living and the concept that in order for closed-loop a city to work, the built environment model must be thought of as one organism, not many separate bits.)

However, it is then currently impossible to design an on-grid building that is as ecological as it could possibly be, as the grids themselves are still in the age of fast-track linearity, so, in order to design a sustainable building, or group of buildings, one cannot currently think of it as a part of the city/town organism whole, but as a separate entity that must in itself be a smaller version of the organism. It must be designed such that, when the grids finally catch up to good-looped, as they will when they have too, that the building/s could feed into it and be fed by it, thus enabaling the city to be that whole organism. But this, design not-for-the-green-grid, means that the development of it will be perpetually put-off untill the very last push. How then to design in an ecologically sound manner. On-grid, for the future grids, or off grid for the ecological singular now?